Sarcomafund’s steering group
The task of the steering group is to ensure that the Sarcomafund fulfills its purpose.
The task of the steering group is to ensure that the Sarcomafund fulfills its purpose. The steering group produces an action plan each year that encompasses the general plans for the next three years and an in-depth plan for the upcoming year. The action plan details the activities and goals through which the Sarcomafund aims to realize its purpose as well as plans regarding the development and growth of the Sarcomafund.
The steering group makes the decisions concerning fundraising and executes the activities implemented to fulfill the purpose of the Sarcomafund. Excluding the grant decisions, which the Finnish Medical Foundation makes after consulting the Sarcomafund, the steering group makes the financing decisions concerning the activities and goals presented in the action plan.
The chair of the steering group and the chargé d’affaires of the Sarcomafund have signatory permission.
The members of the Sarcomafund steering group are:

Harri Virtanen
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Riitta Huuhtanen
Vice chair
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Mirja Alve
Chargé d’affaires
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Katiye Vuorela
Steering group member
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Mona Åhlfors
Steering group member
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Hanna Alve
Steering group member
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Pekka Kejo
Medical expert

Jouni Lounasmaa
Representative for the Finnish Medical Foundation